Click Archive displays a Panel within its animated Palette for each file or folder you want to archive. A single click on a Panel is all it takes to Create a Disk Image (.dmg) archive. Panels let you configure archival options easily- and your settings are remembered, taking the tedium out of frequent archival. If you can use Dashboard Widgets, you can use Click Archive- it's that easy.
Regular & high-strength encryption
Save your archives securely with industrial-strength encryption. Click Archive remembers your encryption passwords, so you don't have to keep re-entering them... making archival with encryption as easy as it is without- one click away!
Rich text archive notes
Add a timestamped note to every archive you make, or whenever appropriate, so you always know what went into a particular archive. Maintain version histories, track archive Contents- all as a seamless part of archival. Notes are saved in portable Rich Text format, with support for embedded graphics, and Click Archive maintains a master History of notes for each archive source.
Timestamped archives
Click Archive can save each Disk Image (.dmg) archive it creates with a timestamped filename, so you can see at a glance when a particular archive was made and organize your archives chronologically by filename.